Unlocking the Superpower of Regular Expressions in Find and Replace for Visual Studio Code.

Published on February 29, 2024
Written by Victor Cobos

When looking to modify large sections of text, the Find and Replace functionality in Visual Studio Code can be incredibly useful. This tool becomes even more powerful when combined with regular expressions, enhancing its precision and flexibility.

To use regex in VS Code, open the Find widget (Ctrl + F or Cmd + F on macOS) or the Replace widget (Ctrl + H or Cmd + Alt + F on macOS). You'll notice a .* button on the left side of the box. Clicking this button activates the regex mode, allowing you to enter your regex search patterns.

A key aspect of this technique involves using capturing groups, marked by parentheses (), which can be cleverly referenced in the replacement pattern using $number, with $0 denoting the full match. To incorporate a $ symbol in your patterns, you'll use $$.

Let's apply this concept with a simple example: transforming date formats. Suppose you have a list of dates in the format mm/dd/yyyy within your document and you wish to convert them to the ISO standard format yyyy-mm-dd. This transformation can be easily achieved with regular expressions in the Find and Replace functionality. The find pattern would be (\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{4}) and the replace pattern $3-$1-$2, showing just how straightforward it can be.

Screenshot showing Visual Studio Code Regular Expressions search

Dive into the flexibility it offers, and turn tedious tasks into quick fixes. Happy replacing with regex!

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